A Smorgasbord
Since this is #ProjectNorway and since Norway is a Scandinavian country, it seems fitting that at least one blog post will be as Smorgasbord of thoughts. Luckily (or unluckily, depending upon your tastebuds), this smorgasbord will not feature a steaming plate of Lutefisk.
First Serving - Some final goals
I could write posts that addressed each of my remaining three goals for #ProjectNorway individually, but I'm anxious to move on to the meat of this journey and going on and on about the starting line can get a bit tedious...even for me. So...here's the Cliff's Notes Version.Hydrating Responsibly
They say the first step is to admit you have a problem and do I ever have a problem. I have a serious addiction to caffeine and I'm fairly certain that the last 14 years (as long as I've been a parent), my children and I have survived mostly because I've maintained a nearly steady stream of caffeine into my body. I've had a longstanding relationship with Diet Coke, but in the past few years I began an affair with coffee (mixed with hot cocoa). I like water fine, but I like Diet Coke and coffee more. But, like all too many relationships, this is not a good one. I'm not ready to break up completely, but I've decided I'm just going to be really good friends with caffeine.
For the past two days, I have had one cup of coffee in the morning and...that...is it. I've tried to kick caffeine in the past, but have never been successful. But, this time, for some reason it's different. My strategy has been to drink water whenever I crave something I shouldn't. As a result, I've consumed about 40,000 gallons of water and worn a path from my classroom to the bathroom. So, water is my new boyfriend. Let's hope this relationships sticks.
P.S. Dear Colleagues - if I seem absent minded as you talk to me when we pass each other in the hallway, it's probably because I really have to go to the bathroom. I'm sorry for being rude!
Meditate through Movement
I've always liked yoga, but after taking a couple of impromptu classes in a basement near my house (not as weird as it sounds), I discovered that I love yoga. When I do yoga, I sleep better, I feel better, and I swear I look better (but I'm pretty sure that's all in my head). For me, this is a pretty good pathway to God, so i think this will be a great way to be intentional with prayer.
Since beginning this journey, I've only had the time to do a good yoga session three times (semi-fail?) and one of those times one of my kids interrupted me multiple times, which totally killed my mojo. But, I'm hopeful that this can become a habit and I'd like to start with practicing yoga at least three times per week. Obviously, I want to do this for spiritual growth, but if I ended up looking like the girls doing yoga in the Athleta catalog, I would not mind one tiny bit.
Journal with Gratitude
According to a TED Talk presenter, there actually is a nearly fool-proof formula for happiness. I know, right?!?! Who knew?!?! All this time, I've been searching for the formula and there it shows up right on TED Talks. Amazing.
I stumbled upon this formula thanks to a (non)meeting at school. This is totally a sidebar but these are brilliant! Since I'm the new kid on the block, I don't know the history behind what started these (non)meetings, but it is an amazing thing that eliminates everything that you hate about meetings and leaves all the good stuff. There's good stuff, you ask? Why, yes! Meetings don't have to stink. Unfortunately, most of the time, the horrible part of meetings is so horrible, we totally miss noticing the good stuff. In any event, my limited experience with these (non)meetings is that school staff get together after school and hang out to discuss classroom challenges, school climate stuff, and just chill out and enjoy each other's company. Brilliant!
End of sidebar and back to the formula for happiness. I can't remember all of the steps (maybe that's why I've not yet achieved maximum happiness?), but the one that really stuck with me was to journal gratitude. I decided to give this a try in November and posted a statement of thankfulness every day that month. I'm no scientist, but my anecdotal evidence suggests that it worked. I still had the same challenges I was facing before, but focusing on the good stuff that was still around was a healthy dose of needed perspective and allowed me to maintain hope. I haven't started working on this goal yet in 2016, unfortunately, but maybe tonight's the night to get that started!
Second Serving - Connections
I had no real expectations when I started this journey and decided to share it through this blog. Part of me felt like I was being a bit pretentious and narcissistic... I mean, how self centered is it to write about yourself and think anyone would be interested? Especially when you're a boring, 37 year old mom like me? But, to my surprise, this blog has opened the door to so many connections. I've been invited on so many outdoor walks, I've been emailed suggestions about activities to try, I've even decided to get over my fear of walking on frozen bodies of water and try ice fishing. I've even been sent a Norwegian flag for inspiration (best gift ever!).
On top of that, I've been privileged with the gift of stories - some from people I know well and some from people I know just a little bit. These stories of heartache, pain, fear, and self-exploration have truly been the greatest gifts. I feel so fortunate to have my life filled with so many amazing, complex, unique people. I feel blessed to be trusted with these stories and I promise to treat them with tenderness and love. After months of feeling so alone, it is so precious to feel like someone might "get it" even just a little bit. So, really, my journal of gratitude should be easy because I have all of these dear companions to be thankful for.
Dessert - A little sweetness...
I feel like no meal, especially a smorgasbord, is complete without dessert, but I'm not sure how to bring the sweetness without too much of the schmaltz. So, I'll just end with, "thank you." Thank you for reading this ridiculous posts. Thank you for providing words (and flags!) of encouragement. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you.
Hopefully yours,
Sara Renee
Do you have a link to the TED talk that inspired you? They are really good. Kudos to you on the water/caffeine relationship - I truly do believe you will feel better. Great job, Sara - keep up the good work.